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Subject: Constituent wants to know if you support an Immigration Referendum


I hope this email finds you well.

I am writing to draw your attention to a matter of utmost importance concerning our nation’s future. Recent statistics from Statista reveal that approximately 40% of UK voters rank immigration as their foremost concern, trailing closely behind healthcare and the economy.

It’s evident that the issue of immigration has played a decisive role in every election since 2010, including the Brexit Referendum. Despite consistent public demand for significant reductions, these concerns have been repeatedly disregarded.

As a constituent in [INSERT WARD/CONSTITUENCY], I strongly believe that it’s time for the British people to have a direct and explicit opportunity to voice their opinions on the profound changes occurring in our country. Our democracy hinges on ensuring that every citizen’s voice is heard and respected.

Therefore, I urge you, as my elected representative, to support our campaign and advocate for your party to include a binding immigration referendum commitment in their manifesto. Taking this stance would demonstrate a genuine commitment to representing the will of the people.

You can show your support by signing the petition available here:

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I eagerly await your response regarding whether you support having a referendum or not.

Yours sincerely,


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