The Survey

Help us conduct a nationwide survey on immigration

We’re reaching out to supporters to help us carry out an important survey about public opinion on mass immigration in the UK. This is an opportunity to contribute to a significant campaign and show politicians that the public demands a say on this crucial issue.

Why are we conducting this survey?

Immigration has been a topic of national debate for decades. According to the Office for National Statistics, 1.2 million immigrants arrived in the UK in 2023 alone, and many believe this level is unsustainable. While polls have consistently shown that the public would prefer immigration levels to be reduced, politicians have yet to act in alignment with these views. That’s where you come in.

We’re conducting a survey over two weekends to gather responses from people across the country. Our aim is to collect at least 2,000 responses to send a clear message to the government. We’ll ask participants these key questions:

  1. Do you believe immigration levels are too high, given that 1.2 million immigrants arrived in 2023?
  2. Do you think politicians have failed to carry out the will of the public on mass immigration?
  3. Would you like to vote in a binding referendum on immigration?
  4. Should immigration be halted for five years until the public can have their say?

This is a crucial opportunity for you to be part of something meaningful.

When and where is this happening?

The survey will be conducted over four days:

  • Saturday, 14th September
  • Sunday, 15th September
  • Saturday, 21st September
  • Sunday, 22nd September

We’re organising volunteers across the country to ensure that as many people as possible have the chance to share their opinions.

How can you help?

We already have a dedicated team of 51 volunteers, but we need even more help to cover as many areas as possible. Your role would be to gather responses in your local area or any location you’re able to assist in.

If you’d like to join us, please email us at [email] with your name, phone number, location, and any other useful information. We’ll provide you with the materials you need to get started, including:

  • A comprehensive instruction pack with guidance and materials
  • A tally sheet to count responses
  • Survey sheets with the questions for participants
  • An info sheet explaining the survey for those who want more details
  • Petition sheets for those who wish to sign our petition for a referendum

Full training is available if needed, and we’ll coordinate efforts between nearby volunteers to make sure you have support. Materials can be downloaded, printed, or posted to you, depending on your preference. All you will need to get is a folding clipboard and pens; available at any stationary store or online.

Sign up to help conduct the survey

To join our team of volunteers, please contact us with your name, phone number, location, and any other useful details. Let us know which days you can participate and where you would like to conduct the survey.

Together, we can show politicians just how strong the public support is for an immigration referendum. Your efforts will help ensure that the voices of ordinary people are heard on one of the most pressing issues of our time.

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